Tuesday 2 February 2016

Say Cheese and Die!

Plot Summary: A bunch of kids break into the local crazy guy's basement and steal a camera. It turns out that any photos taken with the camera end up depicting horrible events, which then come true. Creepiness ensues.


I have such mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, this is the first one which has a pretty damn creepy premise. The idea of seeing your death (not quite because preteen book but yeah) in a photo and being unable to stop definitely freaks me out. On the other hand, this is maybe the worst written one yet. It does have more characters than usual which is nice, including an appearance from a character called Bird who I swear to god shows up in a Point Horror book. The death of the villain Spidey is actually pretty damn dark as well and a nice touch. However, most of the conversations are inane at best and kind of detract from the potential of the book. It's hard to decide which matters more in a book but for the Goosebumps series, a genuinely creepy premise wins it for me and so I'll rate it based on that rather than writing.

Idiot of the year award: Greg. Hmm, I've taken 5 photos and all 5 have predicted negative events which later happened...it can't be the camera!

Most inane conversation: The freaking opening of the book which repeats the 'Pitts Landing is the pitts.' joke about a thousand times

OMG so funny lol: Bird, whose jokes are clearly superior to Michael's. Somehow. Because the writer says so!

Worst party planner: Shari, when your entire birthday party plan revolves around an evil camera, you're not throwing a very good party


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