Friday 12 February 2016

The Girl Who Cried Monster

Plot Summary: Lucy is a girl who spends all of her time telling monster stories. Literally all of it. One day she sees her librarian transforming into a monster and eating bugs but of course, no one believes her when she tells them. She then continuously tries to prove it until eventually her parents believe her. They then eat the monster because they are, in fact, also monsters!


Oh, this book was pretty dire. From having an unlikeable protagonist, a horribly repetitive plot and one of the worst endings imaginable, it doesn't have a whole lot going for it. I'll be honest, a lot of my dislike for it came from the ending. Not only is the librarian monster 'defeated' by Lucy knocking over some card catalogue cards, the twist just doesn't make any sense. I think maybe it was foreshadowed slightly at the start but there's still no excuse for it. It's a twist Stine will use again and I'm not sure it will be used any better.

Somebody get this kid a therapist: '"Life is just a phase I'm going through."'

Getting crap past the radar: '"But I like big meatballs," Dad insisted.'

Idiot of the year award: Lucy repeatedly goes and confronts the librarian alone, then acts surprised when she gets locked in with him

Best of friends: Lucy one. Literally, Aaron is the closest thing she has to a friend and even he would rather play Frisbee by himself


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